Friday, June 3, 2011

Snatam Kaur - Long Time Sun - She sings in peace and light!

Hello My Friends,

Thank you so much for joining me here today. I came upon this song a while back and found it so peaceful and uplifting. It really exemplifies the ways in which music can bring joy and serenity to your day. I would have said to our lives, only I think it's important to understand that we all live in each moment...and we do so moment by moment. Music can take us away. Music can touch us and bring us to tears. Music motivates us to get up and move our bodies in dance, it can send us to a time gone by.

In scientific terms, Music heals. Music is therefore medicine. Pythagoras, the Greek philosopher and mathematician who lived from about 580 to 500 B.C.E. is credited for being the first person to use music as a healing technique in an organized fashion.  Pythagoras, it is said was inspired by the sounds of the blows of blacksmiths hard at work.  He noted that some blow sounds were more pleasing to the ear than others and that inspired him to create the musical scales

Pythagoras considered that music, when used the right way, contributed greatly to health and wellness, and he called his methods music medicine. Pythagoras practiced music medicine in a clinic situation teaching clients to chant and sing paeans. In the medicine bag Pythagoras had created were certain melodies used for cures to ease the passions of the psyche and others to heal the emotions and ease the mind.

Pythagoras wrote of atoms and said that each atom has it's own sound that comes from vibration and movement. Surely, a more harmonious rhythm can be made when our lives are in more harmonious order. So, if your not feeling in tune or in harmony with yourself and the world around you, chances are, your not! 

The use of chanting, meditation, affirmations and of course, the SINGING BOWLS will aid you in regaining balance and attunement in your life. When all the energy centers are properly tuned with harmony flowing in the FIVE BODY SYSTEM you will feel more completely full, rich, and alive in the music of your life. I remind you that balance and attunement are not something we are simply born with. Many of us are born well out of tune. Becoming attuned, though not a difficult process, can be a lengthy one.  Though each of us can learn to gain harmony and attunement, that is not to say that we can find the pathway to attunement without assistance. 

I conduct regular seminars that teach you how to manage harmony in your daily life. Of course, first harmony has to be archived for each individual. Once tuned, the human body plays a more beautiful song. Retuning will be done as needed. The more you play your life in tune, the less assistance you will require from a Virbational Healer. The goal is to teach each person how to maintain (for the most part) health and vitality.

I sincerely wish that you have enjoyed your visit with me today. I look ever so forward to meeting you here again soon. If you would like to schedule a private appointment with me, please let me know. I also conduct group sessions, Continuing Education Courses, and many other workshops in the DC area on a regular basis.

All Love,

Apple Blossom

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