Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I Am Who I Am

You my be a big fan of Seal, and still haven't heard this song before.  I find the message very appealing, and the words to be most important in a time on our planet that many have described as 'so out of sorts' or 'gone mad'. With so many focused on war and the destruction of life, anything that seems to unify and bring the spirit of hope and joy is so welcome. We all arrive here from the same ocean of divine and infinite love and light. We may come with different missions, yet no matter how seemingly negative or unkind any of us may find the missions of others to be, FAITH in all of humanity is key to peace and harmony. How can one be so rich, live so well, eat more than enough, avail of life saving medical treatments, get amazing education, and enjoy the opportunity to travel anywhere while another goes without food, without medical treatments, without education or the chance to see our world freely? How can one be rich at all if others starve, die needlessly, don't learn to read? How can we say we have anything at all when some have nothing? Who are we? What are we as a people? How have we become so full of greed and disregard for human life?  


When you say out loud I does the story go? Who are you? What are you? Karma explains so much, and we have the ability to improve the lives of others, and as such, unleash ourselves from some of the chains of karma...and still we don't free anyone, let alone ourselves.  

There is a wonderful book that was just released at the end of 2010 written by HOWARD FALCO and called I AM. If you get the chance, I suggest you read it at least once. 

In Howard's book he writes something to the effect of:

If each person would agree to take one day (the same day) to support and uplift everyone else, there would be a tremendous rise in our planetary consciousness on that day.

Just imagine a day when everyone takes a day and just sets out to support and uplift everyone, even just a little bit...can you imagine this happening? Sadly, if you are aware of the UN International Day of Peace, well, research it if you like...again, sadly, most people don't even know about it.  

Additionally, there was much work done to create a day wherein all wars would stop on this day of international peace. This was an effort to restucture the International Day of Peace to include world-wise STOP of all wars.  Just imagine the work that went into dealing with so many waring countries...just think of what it took to travel the globe negosiating a 24 hour day of PEACE.  A time for families to reunite, for soldiers to rest, no bombing, no bullets, no killings. A vacation from all wars worldwide, a day to just stop the fighting for everyone everywhere. It took so much money, deadication, contributions, so much effort, and real drive and passion. It looked like it was going to was really going to happen. Amazing!

Unfortunately, on the morning of September 11, 2001, the Secretary General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, was speaking in New York at the opening of the UN General Assembly. He reminded the gathering that this was the 20th anniversary of the INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE, "a day of world-wide peace and goodwill".  He was just about to lead a moment of silence in the name of peace when the first jet struck the north tower of the World Trade Center. No matter what your views are of what REALLY happened, that day, 9-11, began the WORLD-WIDE WAR OF TERROR. It's insane. No wonder so many view the world as 'gone mad'...where is the love?

So when you ask yourself who you are and what you are, the answers may surprise you. Are you a greedy boss, a militant parent, a manipulating spouse, an uncaring teacher? Are you perfect? Are you sunshine and lightness? Are you everything and anything without judgments? Are you mostly happy? Do you give to others in a proper way? Do you know what a proper way to give is? I AM...

Everything is a Blessing...You are a Blessing.

Wishing you Peace and Light until we meet here again...

Apple Blossom

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