Monday, May 2, 2011

What Amazing Things One Can Learn by Reading!

Hello Dear Friends,

So, what did reading teach me today? Well, as an example, did you know that even under general anesthesia our ears still hear while our brains remember and react to what we hear? Did you already know that? I certainly didn't.  This is according to the research and published findings of Linda Rodgers, C.S.W.  Rodgers tells us "The auditory pathway, unlike all other sensory systems, has an extra relay. Auditory fibers are not affected by anesthetics, so they continue to transmit sound. Simply stated: We never stop hearing!"

Linda Rodgers was motivated by her research to establish the Audio Prescriptive Foundation that makes CDs to be used before, during and after surgery. This anxiolytic music is the subject of a not yet published three year study conducted at New York Hospital.  If we can hear during these stressful times when we are completely at the mercy of the surgeons and the OR teams, not to mention the angels of death, well, I think pleasant soothing music, soft sounds, or you least Harry Conick Jr. seems appropriate.

All of this is about how sound can assist us. Apparently, we hear and know our mother's voice long before we are born. As newborn infants we can hear the voice of our mothers. We know our mothers when we hear their voice even before we are born. Sound has already connected us to our mother and we know her first through sound. Of course, there are many that live without the ability to make sound, those that aren't able to speak and others that will never hear. I don't know what to think of this group, the deaf and or the mute. Perhaps they think in words and those words create a vibration within there bodies at the cellular level, thus transmitting a different type of signal for the infant to connect with. It's puzzling, and of course, I have no real idea...just sort of thinking out loud here.

I am grateful for my hearing and ability to speak words. Or as the French physician Alfred Tomatis, M.D. put it "I prefer to say that it is only God who speaks, and man exists to translate this message-very awkwardly it is true-into human language".

So even in the death state of anesthesia, our ears continue to hear. While we are so incapacitated, so near a living state of death under such powerful drugs, so knocked out that our hearts can be replaced, our limbs removed, all sorts of appliances implanted, when we can be poked, cut up or sawed, then sown together, we, in this state can still hear! That just sounds crazy to me!

I am learning so much about sound through the amazing books that others have been kind enough to spend their time creating. A very speical thanks to Dr. Mitchell L. Gaynor, M.D aurthor of The Healing Power of Sound, Shambhala, 2002

In my healing practice, energy, vibration and sound are the tools that I use to rebalance, ease and adjust people who have made the chooice to live better...and better is always better!

I thank Mr. Neville Johnston of Reston, Virgina as well for his time and concern in my training and atunements.

Everything is a Blessing!  Good Bye for now, and I really wish that you visit here again soon~ Apple Blossom

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